Riesenorgel (Giant Organ)

Further links
The book ‘Die Riesenorgel im Wiener Stephansdom’ about the cathedral’s organs is available from the cathedral shop.
Rieger Orgelbau, Schwarzach (Austria), 2020
5 manuals, 130 stops, 8588 pipes
In April 1945 the old organ in the west, build by Eberhard Walcker in 1886, fell victim to the fire in the cathedral. It was named Riesenorgel (giant organ) because it stood above the Riesentor (giant gate) which to this day is the name of the main entrance to the cathedral.
In 1960 a new large instrument was built by the Viennese organ builder Johann M. Kaufmann. This, however, was only played for about 35 years before being left unused for many years. Between 2017 and 2020 Rieger Orgelbau rebuilt the instrument, using old pipework and retaining the outer design of 1960, but, naturally using modern technologies. There is a mobile central console in the main body of the church from which both instruments in the west and the east can be played together.
Electric key and stop action
Floating manuals
Equal temperament
a1 = 442 Hz at 15 °C
Hauptwerk (1. Manual)
Positiv Evangelienseite (2. Manual), schwellbar
Rückpositiv (2. Manual)
Schwellwerk (3. Manual), schwellbar
Positiv Epistelseite (4. Manual), schwellbar
Solo (5. Manual), schwellbar
Trompeteria (5. Manual)